Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yes--the whole country of

Maybe it is obscene!!! Is he dry humping her?
Friday, April 27, 2007

Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) is a dedicated cop who follows the letter of the law very seriously. He kicks butt and takes names and he doesn't ever cross the line. He apparently does his job so well that his superiors become jealous of him so they promote him and ship him out of town. Bill Nighy puts in a great cameo role as the police Commissioner who tries to let Angel know not so subtlety that he is making the other officers look like Bureaucratic buffoons and they would just prefer he take his little promotion and get out of town. Angel tries to take his new assignment in stride; as soon as he gets there he busts a bunch of underage kids drinking. The town is a sleepy little hamlet outside of

Monday, April 23, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Ted Nugent

This has been a pretty tough week with the 32 dead at Virginia Tech and today with two dead at NASA; it takes someone nuts like Ted Nugent to put everything in perspective. Everyone should know the Nuge from his exploits as a musician and as a TV celebrity on VH1. Everyone should also know that the Nuge is a gun nut and is completely insane. After reading his Op-ed piece this morning you can add dumb redneck to that list.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007

If you are an angry citizen who is completely fed up with the bureaucracy of the
Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) is an angry mo-fo who can apparently shoot a tick off a dog's nose a half a mile to a mile out. Betrayed by his government he goes into isolation in the mountains wears a trucker’s hat and a redneck pony tail. That's when the government comes a calling. Colonel Johnson (Danny Glover) thinks that there is going to be an attempt on the President's life. He asks Bob Lee to put his grievance aside and help them stop this possible assassination attempt. After some mulling Bob Lee, being the hero of course, decides to help them out. Unfortunately the Colonel ain't such a good guy they frame poor Bob Lee for a failed attempt on the President's life and the sharp shooter has to run for his life. They make it look nice and neat I mean he has three names he's a disgruntled marksman--you couldn't get a better set up for the bad guys. So Bob Lee has to get his hands dirty a bit and make these bad men suffer, boy does he make them suffer. With the help of a rookie Fed, Bob Lee goes all Commando on Danny and his Halliburton boys. Yeah it can be silly at times but damn if it ain't fun.

Grade: 3 Buckets